
Hello, and welcome. I am the Chanting Druid and this site is home to my podcast – The Chanting Druid, where we discuss tabletop [and other] roleplaying games as well as books, movies, comics and everything else that is nerdy and cool. Please join us as we tackle the questions that you ask and address all the topics that need addressing to make your game nights as memorable as your first kiss! *Recalls fondly the bathroom mirror of childhood home…*

We at Chanting Druid love gaming and stories and we also love to laugh and have good times. If this sounds at all interesting to you, and you would not mind catching some roleplaying tips along the way, consider listening during your commute or lunch break, while doing dishes or sitting on the couch in your underwear or even in place of spending quality time with your family – we’re not here to judge you.

We want to be your go-to source for news (gaming news, not actual news, we don’t want to depress you). Listen to our reviews of RPG systems and supplements, movies and comics and anything fantasy-related; you can agree with us whole-heartedly or disagree to the point that you launch an insane email tirade, laced with expletives and calling into question my sanity, manhood, humanity, etc. – whatever you’re into, I’m down with it.

We are here to lend our experience to enhancing your games. We will share with you our innovative ideas, the rules we use, as well as tales of our past games – what worked and what did not. We intend to have a load of fun along the way, so roll the dice and come with us on a journey that will literally [metaphorically] blow your mind! Level up with The Chanting Druid… here, or wherever you find podcasts.